A Proactive Approach To Patching Vulnerabilities

Hackers are forever on the prowl…managing vulnerabilities can be daunting. 

Four of the most targeted vulnerabilities in 2020 affected remote work, VPNs, or cloud-based technologies”, noted an advisory report coauthored by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

This advisory details the top 30 vulnerabilities—primarily Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)—routinely exploited by malicious cyber actors in 2020 and those being widely exploited thus far in 2021.

Top Routinely Exploited CVEs In 2020
Source: AA21-209A_Joint_CSA Top Routinely Exploited Vulnerabilities.pdf

A data breach report by Risk Based Security found that there were 1,767 publicly reported breaches in the first six months of 2021, a 24% decline compared to the same period last year.  The number of reported breaches grew in the US by 1.5% while 18.8 billion records were exposed year to date, a 32% decline compared to the 27.8 billion records leaked in the first half of 2020.

Vulnerability management is a critical aspect of security operations. However, many enterprises face challenges such as failing audits, lack of reportable metrics to the management overwhelmed by the sheer number of vulnerabilities and a fear of breach. 

An effective vulnerability and patch management solution requires consistent processes, risk prioritization, timely remediation, mitigation, and actionable metrics with little or no disruption to the business. 

“Did you know there’s an attack by a hacker every 39 seconds and that hackers steal 75 data records every second?”

Despite developers following strict security guidelines, there are always hackers trying to break in. The primary challenge that security and risk teams face is in terms of being proactive and optimizing their vulnerability management program to get the desired results by keeping the Infrastructure up to date and secure.


Being proactive about CVE’s

AppViewX’s ADC helps manage, self-service, automate and monitor application delivery services across Hybrid Cloud.

The Automation workflows can be scheduled and/or run on-demand to check for CVE’s on a periodic basis when it’s required to assess the security posture. Security teams can access a comprehensive report of all the CVE’s via an User Interface (GUI) with the required remediation and mitigation steps. This automated workflow can come handy in terms of validating the remediation and to  check if the security fixes are up to date.

In the event of a particular CVE requiring an upgrade of your ADCs, the Automation capability provides a remediation, patch management workflow that can help Network and Security teams to save precious time.

Being proactive about CVE’s

Leveraging an automated Vulnerability and patch management flow not only helps Network and Security teams be more proactive with the Infrastructure’s security posture, but also keeps them in a good mindspace in terms of having protection from potential attacks.

Explore AppViewX’s Low Code Automation platform across Network and Cloud domains for:

  • Hybrid Cloud service Orchestration and automation: API First Orchestration of Application and Security services
  • Self-service: Standardize self-service automation catalog for NetOps, SecOps, Devops and Cloud Ops.
  • Enable Network automation across complex, multi-domain environments 
    • Application delivery and Security
    • Certificate Lifecycle Automation
    • Configuration compliance Automation
    • Vulnerability and Patch Management
    • Cloud Services and Container Orchestration
    • Event driven automation and Closed Loop remediation

Automate your network today!


  • ADC Automation
  • ADC management
  • Application Delivery Automation

About the Author

Karthik Kannan

VP - Product Management

VP - Product Management at AppViewX heading Automation and Low Code Suite. Oversee product lifecycle: vision > concept > ideation > design > launch.

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