Understanding Quantum Threats and How to Secure Data with Post-Quantum Cryptography

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is a new generation of encryption algorithms for protecting data against powerful quantum computers. Quantum computers use quantum mechanics to solve complex problems much faster than traditional computers. With rapid advancements in quantum computing, current encryption algorithms like RSA are at risk of being broken, which would take regular computers hundreds or thousands of years to crack.

Current Threats to Encryption Algorithms:

Hackers today might steal encrypted data with the intent of decrypting it in the future using anticipated advancements in quantum. This creates the risk of a “harvest now, decrypt later” strategy. An attacker can intercept and harvest the encrypted data with the intent to decrypt it in the future. Grover’s algorithm and Shor’s algorithm are quantum algorithms, capable of solving certain problems much faster than classical algorithms. From an attacker’s perspective, quantum algorithms pose distinct threats to current cryptographic methods that exploit the classical algorithms differently.

Grover’s Algorithm:

This algorithm enables faster brute-force searching of symmetric-key primitives like AES and SHA-256, which means an attacker can leverage its ability to reduce the effective key size by half. It provides a quadratic speedup for brute-force searching. For example, while a classical brute-force attack on AES-256 requires 2^256 checks, Grover’s algorithm can achieve the same result with about 2^128 checks. This is why the effective security of AES-256 is reduced to the level of AES-128 against a quantum attack.

Shor’s Algorithm:

This algorithm targets public-key primitives such as RSA and EC-DSA by efficiently factoring large numbers and solving discrete logarithm problems. If Shor’s algorithm is successfully implemented, it could make traditional public-key cryptography vulnerable to attack. Currently, RSA-2048 and similar key sizes are considered secure, but Shor’s algorithm threatens to exponentially reduce the security margin, making such schemes vulnerable.

Countermeasures to Delay Post-Quantum Attacks

  • Through Increased Key Length:

Symmetric Algorithms: Algorithms like AES rely on key size for security. Doubling the key size (think AES-256 versus AES-128) significantly increases resistance against brute-force attacks. Even though AES-256 is not entirely quantum-resistant, it offers better protection against brute-force attacks compared to AES-128.

Asymmetric Algorithms: Similar logic applies to public-key cryptography like RSA. Moving from RSA-2048 to RSA-4096 extends the time needed for Shor’s algorithm to break the encryption.

  • Quantum Key Distribution (QKD):

QKD leverages the strangeness of quantum mechanics to establish secure communication channels and exchange cryptographic keys. It utilizes quantum entanglement, where particles are linked, to detect any eavesdropping attempts. While not a standalone solution, QKD offers a quantum-resistant approach to key distribution, plugging a critical security gap.

  • Quantum Encryption Schemes:

The best defense is to adopt post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms. These are new encryption methods specifically designed to withstand the capabilities of quantum computers. By adopting PQC, we can ensure long-term data security even in the quantum age. PQC provides a range of solutions, including

Lattice-based Cryptography: Resistant to factoring attacks.

Code-based Cryptography: Built on error-correcting codes.

Hash-based Cryptography: Utilizing secure hash functions.

NIST recently announced the first set of finalized PQC encryption algorithm standards — CRYSTALS-Kyber (FIPS 203), CRYSTALS-Dilithium( FIPS 204), and SPHINCS+ (FIPS 205) for general encryption and digital signatures.

  • Parameter Selection:

PQC algorithms rely on mathematical problems that are believed to be impossible for classical and quantum computers to solve. Proper selection of parameters (like matrix dimensions in lattice-based cryptography or polynomial degrees in code-based cryptography) is crucial. Flaws can occur if parameters are poorly chosen or if new mathematical advances undermine their security assumptions.

Remember, these countermeasures work best in combination. By employing a multi-layered approach, we can significantly delay the impact of post-quantum attacks and buy valuable time for the development of even more robust security solutions and fortify our defenses. By embracing these advancements, we can safeguard sensitive data and ensure security in the quantum age.

AppViewX can help you implement crypto-agility and start preparing today for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Unveiling PQC Algorithm Attack Vectors

While transitioning to Post-Quantum Cryptography is the optimal solution to protect against quantum computing threats, it’s important to note that the attack vectors of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms are expected to become more apparent in the future. Researchers have already begun exploring and exploiting security gaps through various methods, as discussed in the notable attacks which are explained below.

Side-Channel Attacks: Revealing Secrets Through Emissions:

Imagine a spy eavesdropping on your conversations, not through microphones, but by analyzing the flickering lights in your room. That’s the nature of a side-channel attack. Attackers harvest information from seemingly innocuous emissions, like power fluctuations to gain insights into a device’s operations. Here are some common types of side-channel attacks:

  • Cache Timing Attacks: These attacks exploit how processors handle data in their cache. By analyzing how long it takes to access certain information, attackers can potentially steal secret keys.
  • Power Analysis Attacks: Just like a thief might monitor the lights in a house to see if someone’s home, attackers can analyze a device’s power consumption to glean information about its activity. Fluctuations in power usage can reveal what kind of operations are being performed, potentially exposing sensitive data.
  • Fault Injection Attacks: In this scenario, attackers deliberately introduce errors into a device’s operation, like a glitch in the matrix. By analyzing how the device reacts to these faults, they can extract sensitive information.

Key Recovery Attack: Imagine a lock that always uses the same key. No matter how complex the lock design, anyone knowing the key can easily break in. Similarly, PQC algorithms depend on secure random number generation for key generation and other cryptographic operations. Flaws can occur if randomness sources are predictable or insufficient, potentially leading to vulnerabilities such as key reuse or predictable outputs.

Machine Learning: The Attacker’s New Weapon

While traditional side-channel attacks require sophisticated equipment and close proximity to the target device, machine learning throws a wrench into the mix named Blind-Side channel attacks. Attackers can now train algorithms on vast amounts of data, allowing them to identify patterns in these emissions remotely. Imagine an AI deciphering morse code based on the faint flicker of a distant light bulb. Machine learning empowers attackers to analyze even the most minute variations in a device’s behavior and potentially crack the codes that safeguard our data.

How Machine Learning Attacks Work

  1. Collection of Data: Attackers collect data from the signals emitted by devices using Kyber Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM). This data includes things like how much power the device uses at different times.
  2. Training Thieves Toolkit: Using this data, attackers train machine learning models to spot patterns that indicate when the device is performing sensitive operations like generating or encrypting keys.
  3. Extracting the Secrets: Once trained, these models can predict sensitive information, such as secret keys by analyzing the signals emitted by the device during its operations.

Set up your own quantum-safe PKI hierarchy and begin your PQC journey today.

Defending Against PQC Algorithm Attack Vectors

The good news is, we’re not defenseless. Here are some ways to combat these emerging threats:

  • Strong Random Number Generators (RNGs): Special algorithms called cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators (CSPRNGs) are used to create high-quality randomness, even from limited sources. Using robust CSPRNGs is essential for generating strong and unpredictable keys in PQC.
  • Cache Partitioning: Limits access visibility, randomizes cache access patterns, employs constant-time algorithms to prevent timing variations, and uses explicit cache flush instructions before handling sensitive data.
  • Adding Noise to the Signal: Think of it as scrambling a radio transmission. By introducing random variations into a device’s behavior, we can make it harder for attackers to glean meaningful information from the emissions.
  • Hardware Countermeasures: Device manufacturers can implement features that inherently reduce side-channel leakage, like minimizing power consumption fluctuations.

Algorithmic Resilience: Cryptographers are constantly developing algorithms that are resistant to side-channel attacks. These algorithms are designed to operate in a consistent manner, regardless of the underlying hardware or the errors being processed. Regularly testing cryptographic systems for vulnerabilities, error handlings and patching any issues found is crucial.

The Future of Security: A Multi-Layered Approach

While these new attack methods present a challenge, the journey for secure data and communication persists. By integrating these defenses with post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms, we can greatly strengthen our security as the world advances into the era of quantum computing. It’s important to remember that security is an ongoing process. By integrating these strategies and staying informed about advancements in cryptography and quantum computing, we can better prepare for and mitigate the risks associated with quantum threats.


  • cryptographic systems
  • cryptography
  • encryption
  • PQC
  • PQC algorithms
  • public-key cryptography
  • quantum computing
  • quantum mechanics
  • RSA

About the Author

Sanjay Kumaar V S

Security Engineer

Protecting applications and organization's data from cyber threats

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Udhaya Praveen

Security Engineer

Application Security Engineer specializing in penetration testing and vulnerability management, implementing proactive measures to protect organizations.

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