Building a Strong PKI for IoT and Mobile Endpoints to Securely Harness 5G

“5G is well on its way to becoming ubiquitous, and it brings along opportunities and challenges in equal measure. The significantly increased throughput means it can support more applications per unit area, making way for the unprecedented proliferation of IoT. This opens up new revenue streams for communication service providers (CSPs) in the form of industrial, automotive, and consumer IoT, which is a godsend considering that the smartphone market is reaching stagnation. However, this proliferation comes with security risks – as devices increase, so do vulnerabilities. Effective use of 5G for IoT also requires widespread adoption of edge computing to minimize latency, which further increases the surface area for attacks. Securely harnessing the full potential of 5G for IoT requires elemental changes in the way IoT devices are designed – such as imprinting certificates for authentication during manufacturing. Operational security needs identity management during the device lifecycle and compliance to regulatory standards. In this session, we’ll cover how the telecom industry can benefit from 5G by ensuring a strong PKI for IoT and mobile endpoints. Some takeaways will be:

  • What changes would IoT undergo with the advent of 5G
  • Tech requirements of 5G
  • How to make IoT devices secure by design
  • IoT identity issuance, monitoring, and management through certificates
  • 5G and IoT regulations and compliance”

A talk by

Ivan Skowronski

Lead of Cybersecurity Architecture Team, Telecom Argentina